***OUT NOW***
- Are you stressed and overworked?
- Do you wish your customers paid you more?
- Do your customers value your work?
- Do you have a cash flow problem?
If you have answered yes to any or all of the above, ‘The Quote Handbook’ is for you!
Since 2013, I have worked as an accountant within the plumbing and heating industry, so I know the ins and outs of this trade from a financial perspective. I often find when gas engineers start up in business, they have massive drive and ambition. They dream of turning over £1million plus per annum, owning the best sign written vans, having office staff and a team of loyal, trustworthy engineers working for them - The Boss! They want the financial freedom, wish to retire young and leave a legacy behind which will make their family proud.
Most plumbing and heating engineers are excellent on the tools, but with the running of the business, they fall short. Many plumbing and heating businesses churn out jobs and work to please their customers, with no realistic pricing policy or business systems. This often leads to feelings of regret for going into business.
Regarding the quoting and pricing side of the business, again and again I see plumbing and heating businesses crash and burn on price just to win a job and fill up their diaries for the next week or two. This can be counterproductive because people end up doing jobs with little or no margin just to keep the wages paid and the lights on.
People aren’t pricing for maximum profit, instead they are assuming customers want the cheapest price. It is disheartening to see within their financial accounts, how they have not considered the time, effort and investment put into their business so that they are truly rewarded for their effects.
If you read this book, I promise:
- You will have an increase in your quote conversion rate.
- You will have a sound structure and system to produce domestic boiler installation quotations which will save hours in admin work.
- Your customers will know exactly what you are going to deliver.
- Over time, your turnover will increase if you implement the teachings of this book.
- You’ll be able to build a business you’ll be proud of.
- You’ll learn how to track, measure, and tweak your quote template to satisfy every unique customer.
- And you will find some pointers too to help with your referrals.
Ask yourself, can you afford to ignore teachings, advice, and a different way of thinking? Let me reassure you, you are not alone. Many people are suffering in the plumbing and heating industry. There are also many people who are thriving, and hopefully this book will help you see the wood for the trees. The Quote Handbook will show how if you implement a few changes you can get customers wanting to buy from you, as opposed to you trying to sell to them. You’ll receive higher premium prices for your quoted installs and ultimately work less for more financial reward.
“If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
The Quote Handbook is available to buy on Amazon as a paperback and an ebook and soon to be an audio book. Get your copy here.
But it doesn't end there. Buying the book unlocks a smorgasbord of resources for you to push forward with your business and implement what you've learned by reading this unmissable book.
It's still business as usual at Together We Count so please get in touch today if you would like to discuss your business with us.
Thank you for your interest,
Aaron Mcleish
01273 569088
0114 400 0119
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