I have recently critiqued some quotes with the aim to spot areas which can quickly be approved upon. The businesses whose quotes I critiqued have read or listen to ‘The Quote Handbook’ already, so it felt great to see my teachings had not fallen on deaf ears. There were so many pieces from my book that they had implemented already! Below I have stated some suggestions to further improve quotes: Have an opening paragraph . Thank them for letting you quote for the job. Make it personal. Grammar! When quoting for work, grammar must be correct. This is because the quote sets the tone for the entire project, and incorrect grammar can give the impression that the work is of poor quality. It also shows that you are not attentive to detail, which could reflect poorly on the final product. In addition, incorrect grammar can change the meaning of what you are trying to say, which could lead to misunderstandings or even legal problems. How long will the work take? Letting the c...