In brief, a business is made up of income and expenditure, assets and liabilities. Income is everything you receive, everything you sell and the money you get from your customers. The expenditure is everything that leaves the business. Expenses, payments etc. For a plumbing and heating business, there are loads of expenses or outgoings which are required to have a business that runs effectively. A lot of people choose to do their bookkeeping in-house, as opposed to using a skilled and experienced bookkeeper. If you choose to complete your bookkeeping yourself, it is very important that you categorise your expenditure correctly, are aware of the variety of VAT rules and have a lot of time that can be devoted to this side of the business. Having accurate bookkeeping will mean you can place reliance on management accounts which will paint a clear picture of your business's historical financial affairs, enabling you to pick out trends to be able to plan for the future. While workin...