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Showing posts from November, 2020

Databases and Their Importance for Plumbing and Heating Businesses

If you’re using Xero or another CRM, whenever you input the data of a new customer, what you are in effect doing is creating a database. So let’s say you’ve got 500 customers, that’s a potential database of 500 names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers. Providing you are being GDPR compliant, and all of your customers have opted in to receive marketing material from you, your database for your plumbing and heating business can be extremely lucrative.    "if used correctly, a database can add turnover and profit to your plumbing and heating business" GDPR is the General Data Protection Regulation. It’s a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information from individuals who live in the European Union (EU). For any business that stores customer data it’s important to familiarise yourself with it. If you do have permission to contact customers, then you can use your database for marketing purpos...

Newsletter 27/11/2020

Hello and a happy new tier! I know I have clients in both tier 2 and 3 so whatever tier you are moving into, I wish you the best for you and your business. I have seen so many of you adapt your businesses to ensure you can keep trading. Your resilience is commendable. What ever the next few months has in store for you, hang in there, you’ve got this! This newsletter has quite a lot to cover following various announcements. Self Employed Income Support Scheme Grant No.3 What period does the grant cover? November to January 2021 inclusive. How is the grant calculated? It is 80% of your average monthly trading profits for the three tax years ended 5th April 2019, covering a 3 month period. The maximum claim is restricted to £7,500. What is the eligibility criteria for the 3rd Grant? You must have been eligible for the first and second SEISS claims. You can still be eligible even if you did not make a claim. You must have traded in the 2018/19 and 2019/20 tax years. You must now be tradi...

Why Should a Plumbing and Heating Business Have an Accounting Software?

First of all, it’s a legal requirement to submit a VAT return (of you are VAT registered) and a self assessment tax return or accounts to Companies house and a Corporation Tax return if you are a company; to HMRC which may declare your income and expenditure, your assets and liabilities. The best way to get your finances in order for a plumbing and heating business so that Together We Count Limited as your accountant can then file these documents, is to use Xero for your day to day bookkeeping requirements. Xero is the UK’s leading on-line accounting software for small businesses which can manage invoicing, bank reconciliation, and bookkeeping plus more with the add-on store. We find at Together We Count that it’s the best software for the industry due to its ability to integrate with other software and because of its ease of use. Just one example of this is that you can get an app on your phone and invoice your customers directly from the app, on the job or even before the job. ...

Newsletter 18/11/2020

I’m seeing more and more Christmas tree’s popping up in my neighbours houses each day. It’s a sign that we’re going to make the most of lockdown as best we can and even more encouragingly it shows that we will not let this pesky bug take away our Christmas spirit! (I’m sorry to talk about Christmas in November but it’s nice to talk about something other than coronavirus even if it’s just for a minute!) As promised, Together We Count will keep you up to date with all changes or announcements that may affect you and your business throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Please take your time to read through the content, use the links for examples and if you wish to discuss it on a personal level then please do not hesitate to get in touch using the contact details at the bottom.  You may find it useful to subscribe to our blog to ensure you never miss an update. Additional Restrictions Grant The objective To provide funding to businesses that do not directly pay business rates. Eligibl...

The Need for CRM Software (Customer Relationship Management) for Plumbing and Heating Businesses

‘Don’t see having a CRM as a cost, see it as an investment.’   As your business gets more and more busy and you start getting more and more jobs in, you might struggle to keep track of your diary. The best thing to do is introduce a CRM system (customer relationship management).  There are a few which are popular with plumbing and heating businesses listed below, but the list is by no means exhaustive.  Simpro   Service M8   Jobber   Commusoft   Tradify   Field Magic   FieldAx   Striven   Trade Soft   Sales Force   Why does my plumbing and heating business need a CRM system? A lot of these software’s are absolutely brilliant. Each of them has their own unique features but ultimately, they are designed to manage the customer journey by allowing you to do things like: Book in jobs Manage your diary Add system notes Manage customer profiles including boiler type, meaning you are able to prepare for your jobs. If you hav...

Where Are We At Now? A Covid-19 Summary and Update For Businesses

Either from a personal perspective or as a business owner it is likely you will have been hit with a whole raft of information being thrown at you from different sources at various times since the pandemic engulfed the UK back in March this year. It makes sense just to take a deep breath, look at where we are now, look forward to what might be coming up over the next six months and what, if anything, we should consider doing to prepare. Where are we at now? Government Backed Loans If your business has not yet applied for a loan under either the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) or the Future Fund Scheme, then you still have until 31st January 2021 to do so. If you have already taken out a loan under either CBILS or BBLS then note you can now potentially extend the time to pay it back over 10 years as opposed to the original 6 years on offer. If you took out a CBILS loan for less than £50,000 you may want to consider switching it a...

Newsletter 05/11/2020

Surprise surprise, things have changed again, and as promised, Together We Count will keep you up to date with what you need to know.  As a nationwide lockdown commences, Rishi has announced the following: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) The CJRS will now run to 31st March 2021. The Government will meet 80% of the furloughed hours. Employees that were employed and on the payroll on 23rd September 2020, who were made redundant or stopped working afterwards, can be re-employed and claimed for. The employer must have made an RTI submission to HMRC from 20th March 2020 to 23rd September 2020, notifying a payment of earnings for those employees. Coronavirus Job Support Scheme (CJSS) The CJSS which was due to replace the CJRS has been mothballed indefinitely and possibly may never see the light of day. However, Rishi has not discounted bringing it into play at some point. The Job Retention Bonus (JRB) The JRB of £1,000 per furloughed employee, whose employment was retained up ...

TWC Newsletter *edited to include further info*

After a weekend of devastating news for many, I hope you are all faring up. I know you have all worked hard at making your businesses Covid secure only to be told we must lock down for the next 4 weeks.  As a result of this the Job Retention Scheme (JRS), which we all thought was coming to an end on 31st October, has now been extended until at least the beginning of December, at which point a review of the situation will be made then. This impacts upon the whole of the UK. The government have mentioned that there is to be extension to the mortgage payment holiday and have also regurgitated the English grants availability for businesses forced to close due to the Covid-19 regulations, which they originally announced during the weekend of 10th – 11th October 2020. There will be more updates to follow but for now I have the following information for you…… Job Retention Scheme (JRS) Extension The JRS which was due to come to an end on 31st October 2020 has now been extended until at...